Glowing with the Yang Qi of Summer, Qigong, Mountain flowers

Glowing with the Yang Qi of Summer – Women’s Nourishing Qigong Class

Summertime is Amazing! And one simple way to fully enjoy the awesomeness of this time of year is to absorb and glow with the aliveness, beauty and magic of the Yang Qi of Summer. How do you do this? Practice Qigong! 🙂 Join my Women’s Nourishing Qigong summer series class and fill up on the goodness of Summer! Beginning and returning students welcome! Mondays • 10:30am, starting June 17, 2024

Women's Nourishing Qigong, mountain summer sunrise

Women’s Nourishing Qigong Class ~ ZY Qigong Level 2 – Spring Series 2024

ZY Qigong is one of the world’s most ancient and complete healing and self-development systems. In Level 2, we’ll work with our Middle Dan Tian, developing our Heart wisdom, inner knowing and confidence. We will build our Central Channel, increasing our abilities to learn from Life, and will learn 4 methods of Body Breathing for healing, inner transformation and entering the Silence of Mind. (They’re super cool!!) This practice also strengthens our immune system, balances the Yin and Yang energies in the body and naturally cultivates our health, inner peace, vitality and happiness!! Beginning and returning students welcome! Mondays • 10:30am, starting April 1, 2024