Through Qigong, I cleanse, gather, circulate and store the beautiful Qi of Life – Qi so abundantly available in Nature, our Earth, and so many of her magnificent places. Qi, vital life energy and also information, informs my being and helps me grow and evolve on my sole journey and soul path. And through the powerful teachings from my Qigong Grandmaster, Xu Mingtang, and many ancient masters who have come before him for thousands of years, I can use simple yet profound Qigong practices in inner alchemy.
Our lower Dan Tian, a place inside and below the navel, also called Qi Hai, or the Sea of Qi, is a magical place we can build, store and refine immense amounts of Qi. While not born with this place active, through practice, we create it. Here, in the quiet of the night, my best time to meditate quietly as a Mama to a little boy of almost 3 years, I visualize, see and feel a beautiful, hot red ball of Qi. And as I get quiet, stillness washes over my being and the ball ignites. Pulsating and hot, heat spreads throughout my body. Wellbeing, warmth, Mystery fills my being. It flows into every cell and from the inside out, and in a moment, I am transformed.
This treasure of cultivated Qi I carry within can feel like a magical secret. It’s similar to the early days of my pregnancy, when growing a whole new beautiful life within my womb, yet no one else knew. It was my inner treasure of delight, of magic, of one of the many Miracles Life offers. Qigong is similar. It comes from Nature and by learning from our Earth, connecting with silence/stillness, Qigong offers a pathway of inner alchemy. It is a pathway to good health, creativity, happiness and the fruition of our souls purpose and development of our Soul.
Read Part 1: The Silence in Nature Reflects the Silence Within ~ Alchemy of Qigong.