In the last month or so, my awesome 4-year old son, Orion, has been more verbally expressing his love, in addition to giving abundant cuddles, hugs and kisses (much to his Mama’s delight – Yay!!) He has started expressing the big love he feels in his heart by saying to me, “I like you bigger than our house, bigger than a Master OG (old growth) tree, bigger than Tahoma!” (the native name for Mt Rainier) Oh my Goodness!!! Each time he says this, my heart melts completely. What a gift!!!
The Power of Self Love
The past few days, after taking my hand, giving it kisses and saying, “I love you bigger than Mt. Everest” (as he asked what is the tallest mountain in the world :-)), he has then also kissed his own hand. And after some kisses, he says, “I also love myself bigger than Mt. Everest.”
Wait. What did he just say?
Wow. Just Wow.
The first time Orion said this, it took me a moment to realize what he had just said and its implications.
This is so Good.
This is so Beautiful.
And this self love is so fundamental to cultivating a life full of happiness, joy, good relationships, friendships, companionship, love, connection, self respect, nourishment, good choices, trusting his heart and more. It’s the foundation. For loving ourselves is the foundation to truly, deeply and fully loving others, our family, friends, trees, animals, and our beloved Earth and Sky.
Love is the nectar of our Universe, and it starts inside.
Ahh, may you receive this morsel of wisdom from my son, a sweet reminder of the power of Love, starting from within.
May you love yourself. May you trust yourself. May you be happy and live with peace and joy in your heart.
Enjoyment and the Dao
This is so important. In a recent YouTube talk by my Qigong Grandmaster, Mingtang Xu, he also reminds us that one of the most important things we can do is to….Enjoy this Moment. Find our happiness, our joy in this moment. How can we meet this moment with Love, Compassion, Enjoyment, Happiness? This will lead to all of our successes. It all starts with opening up to our Love within, which connects us to the Vast Love of our Magnificent Universe. This is one of the fundamental teachings of the Dao.
Teachings from Strawberry
This past year, after taking a workshop with a dear friend, mentor and Shamanic Herbalist, Julie Charette Nunn, I took on having a plant ally. In the class, Julie explained a simple practice of picking your plant ally and then how to spend time with that plant each day. She said to start with enjoying 7 in and out breaths while enjoying your plant ally’s presence. And, after the 7 breaths, to greet your plant and ask, “Do you have any words for me today?” And then to just listen with your open heart and body.
I decided to adopt Strawberry as my plant ally, as we have many luscious patches of them in our garden, I love strawberries and Strawberry had come to me in a dream when asking for a symbol to focus on for fulfilling our family’s vision that year.
So each morning this past year, I have sat with and greeted Strawberry after my Qigong practice. And every morning, Strawberry has exuberantly and lovingly shared her words, “Love yourself. Trust yourself. And Enjoy yourself – enjoy your Life.”
Some days the words would vary. Some days more words came as well, though each and everyday, she had these most simple and powerful reminders for me…. “Love yourself. Trust Yourself. Enjoy yourself.”
In this season of cooler temperatures, rain and growing darkness, what are ways you enjoy loving, trusting and nourishing yourself? How do you enjoy yourself and enjoy your life? If you feel inspired to share, I’d love to hear from you.
May your Light of Goodness and Love grow and glow within always.
So much Love, Joy and Gratitude for the Beauty of Life Expressed in All Things.