ZY Qigong Level 2 ~ 中原氣功
Mondays • 10:30am Pacific Time
This is a Women’s Nourishing Qigong Class focusing on Zhong Yuan Qigong Levels 2 ~ Quiet/Stillness.
Classes are Mondays 10:30a-12:15p, online on Zoom, March 10 – May 19, 2025. No class on 5/5. Recordings are available.
Practice/teaching time will be ~90+ mins with some time for gratitudes in the beginning and questions/reflections at the end.
ZY Qigong: a Simple Life Science Cultivating Peace, Happiness & Wisdom & Immersion into the Magic of Life!
Qigong (pronounced “chee-gung”) is an ancient and evolving Chinese system of breath, meditation and movement. It is comprised of simple, yet powerful exercises that cleanse and develop our physical, energetic and spiritual anatomies. Born from observing the vitality, harmony, power and wisdom of nature, qigong gives us tools to receive from nature and cultivate these qualities in ourselves. The practice of qigong opens a pathway of adventure, self development and discovery in both our inner and outer wilderness, and leads to lifetime of vitality and wellbeing. It is pure magic!
The Zhong Yuan (ZY) Qigong lineage is one of the world’s most ancient and complete healing and self-development systems. Distinguished both by its simplicity, and a lineage steeped in Buddhism, Daoism and Shamanism dating back over 7,000 years, this practice draws on the accumulated energy and consciousness of generations of masters, with Grandmaster Mingtang Xu being the current lineage holder.
ZY Qigong Level 2 works with our Middle Dan Tian, our Heart Center developing our Heart wisdom, inner knowing and confidence. It is the perfect place for us to be, and is the seat of our Power. Level 2 also focuses on Quiet/Stillness — the same stillness Nature always reflects back to us. Among all the new budding growth, spring winds, rainbows, sparkling stars, sunrises, at the core is the stillness that births forth this Beauty and Life.
We will also build our Central Channel, increasing our abilities to learn from Life, and will learn 4 methods of Body Breathing for healing, inner transformation and entering the Silence of Mind. (They’re super cool!!) We will gain the tools of two beautiful exercises, Unifying with Sky and Earth and Embracing the Yin Yang Ball. (These are some of my favorite!) We will also learn methods for regulating our organ’s internal function using Wuxing (5 Element) theory and more!
All of these exercises are powerful, nourishing, transformational and feels so Good!! One of the many benefits from Qigong is the natural cultivation of good health, peace and happiness! It naturally starts to exude from our pores, and shine from our eyes and soul, as Qigong establishes an inner harmony connected to the Great Harmony of Mother Earth and the Cosmos.
This is essential in all times, and especially now.
Qigong is a beautiful lifelong journey. The benefits are cumulative and the gifts are many. Here’s to our practice and nourishing/cultivating our good health, compassion, inner happiness, wisdom, right action and living our Soul’s purpose!
I look forward to practicing with you!!